- 空间研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)02-0078-08
- 中图分类号:TU984.1 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:杨英姿,男,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院城市规划硕士研究生,现任职于上海市城市规划设计研究院。
- 国外城市社区空间环境与犯罪关系理论研究综述
- Review of Theoretical Research of Relationship between Crime and Overseas Urban Communities Environment
- 浏览量:
- 杨英姿
- YANG Ying-zi
- 摘要:
从宏观层面的城市犯罪空间分布研究到微观层面的社区空间环境要素与犯罪关系研究,并对实证研究的典型案例进行深入分析。通过对相关理论研究文献进行分析表明:国外CPTED 理论的研究与实践涉及多学科的交流与融合,完成了由宏观到微观的跨越。国外社区空间环境要素,如领域感、监视性、空间维护、入口控制等与犯罪存在显著关联,强化这些要素表象,可以有效地抑制社区犯罪的发生。 - 关键词:
社区;空间环境;CPTED; - Abstract: This paper systematically expounds the theory of CPTED’s development and research outcomes. It has covered from the macro-level study of the spatial distribution of urban crimes to the micro-level research of relationship between crimes and communities’ spatial elements, as well as a typical case study carried out in a deep analysis. The relevant theoretical research shows that CPTED theory research and practice aboard are related to the exchange and integration of multidisciplines, and complete a leap from the macro to the micro level. Elements of the environmental space, such as territoriality, surveillance, maintenance, access control and so on all have significant associations with crimes, and by strengthening the appearance of these elements, community crimes can be effectively controlled.
- Key words: communities; environment; CPTED
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