- 规划研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)02-0049-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:朱金,男,浙江大学建筑工程学院区域与城市规划系,研究方向:城市规划与设计;
- 简论西方城市规划理论与实践对上海近代城市发展与规划的影响
- Brief Analysis of the Effect of the Western Urban Planning Theories and Practices on Shanghai Urban Development and Planning in Early-Modern Times: From 1843 to 1949
- 浏览量:
- 朱金 王颖 王超
- ZHU Jin WANG Ying WANG Chao
- 摘要:
作为鸦片战争中最早开埠的城市,上海逐步脱离了中国传统的城市发展、形态和布局模式,开始受到西方城市规划的影响。本文将上海自开埠至建国这一历史时期的城市发展分为租界发展时期(1843 年至1927 年)、国民政府《大上海计划》时期(1927 年至1937 年)、日本占领上海时期(1937年至1945 年)、国民政府《大上海都市计划》时期(1945 年至1949 年)四个阶段,详述了各时期几次规划的主要内容,分析了西方现代城市规划理论与规划实践对上海城市发展与规划的影响。本文认为近代上海是中国接受西方城市规划理论的先锋据点,从一定意义上代表了中国近代城市规划的发展状况。 - 关键词:
上海;近代城市发展;西方城市规划;影响; - Abstract: Shanghai was opened as a treaty port after the First Opium War. So it broke away with the traditional mode of Chinese ancient urban development, trend and layout and was gradually dominated by the western urban planning. Shanghai Early-Modern urban planning was divided into four phases: Concession era (1843-1927), Great Shanghai plan era (1927-1937), Japanese occupation era (1937-1945) and New era in Shanghai construction (1945-1949). The paper illustrates the main contents of the aforementioned four stages of urban development in Shanghai and analyzes the effect of the western urban planning theories and practices on Shanghai urban development and planning.
- Key words: Shanghai; Early-Modern urban planning; western urban planning; influence
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