  • 保护与更新
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)04-0019-05
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • 项目基金:本文为国家自然科学基金项目(50878044)、东南大学国家自然科学基金预研项目(XJ0601222)和城市与建筑遗产保护教育部研究成果。
  • 作者简介:郑晓华,女, 1975年4月,高级规划师、注册规划师,单位:南京市城市规划编制研究中心。 沈洁,女, 1978年11月,注册规划师,单位:南京市城市规划编制研究中心。 马菀艺 ,女, 1981年6月,规划师,单位:南京市城市规划编制研究中心。
  • 基于G I S平台的历史建筑价值综合评估体系的构建与应用——以《南京三条营历史文化街区保护规划》为例
  • The Establishment and Application of General Evaluation System for Historic Building Based on GIS -- Case Study of “Regulations of Santiaoying Historic Conservation Area in Nanjing”
  • 浏览量:
  • 郑晓华 沈洁 马菀艺
  • ZHENG Xiao-hua SHEN Jie MA Wan-yi
  • 摘要:
    以往的历史文化保护规划中,对建筑的价值评估多采用人为判断,其评估结果因受较大主观影响而使其客观性受到质疑。笔者尝试引入文化、景观等多方面因素,建立起综合的价值评估体系,并在《南京三条营历史文化街区保护规划》中,借助G I S(地理信息系统)平台对该评估体系进行了实际运用。在对历史街区内建筑遗存进行综合价值评估的基础上,将建筑分为文保单位、历史建筑、风貌建筑、一般建筑四类,针对不同类别提出针对性的规划措施。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: In the past urban planning of the historic conservation, people often evaluated the buildings by subjective judgment, so its objectivity might often be suspected. The authors try to introduce many kinds of factors, such as culture, landscape and so on to establish a comprehensive value assessment system. In the urban planning of Santiaoying which is a historic conservation area in Nanjing, the evaluation system is practically used based on GIS. This solution divides the buildings into four categories: officially protected monuments and sites, historic buildings, townscape buildings and general buildings, and provides proper methods for each one.
  • Key words: GIS; historic conservation area; evaluation; conservation
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