- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)04-0083-05
- 中图分类号:F294 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:金世斌(1970-),男,汉族,安徽广德人,江苏省政府研究室经济发展研究中心主任,副研究员,博士。研究方向为公共管理和公共政策。
- 数字化城市管理的成效、问题与对策——基于江苏四市(区)的调研
- Achievements, Problems and Recommendations of Digital City Management: Based on Field Research in Four Cities in Jiangsu Province
- 浏览量:
- 金世斌
- JIN Shi-bin
- 摘要:
数字化城市管理模式在江苏推进以来,在提高城市问题发现能力、问题处置效率、综合管理水平等方面取得了明显成效。同时,在体制机制、推进主体、队伍建设、参与主体等方面也存在亟待解决的问题。文章认为,深入推进数字化城市管理应把握好数字城管与“大城管”、数字城管与数字政府、数字城管与城市综合执法的关系,进一步理顺体制机制,合理定位监督中心和指挥中心;全面调动社会力量,共同参与城市治理;加强绩效考核,着力提高问题处置率;拓展应用范围,逐步向数字城市过渡。 - 关键词:
数字化城市管理;成效;问题;对策; - Abstract: Since it has been implemented in Jiangsu Province, the Digital City Management (DCM) has achieved great success in discovering, disposing and managing urban problems. Meanwhile, some defects of DCM are also discovered in institutional mechanisms, main body of implementation, team building, and participation. After analyzing the relationship between DCM and “Big City Management”, DCM and digital government, and DCM and the city's comprehensive law enforcement, some recommendations are given to perfect DCM Model. They are: (1) to further rationalize the system and mechanism of DCM, and position monitoring centers and command centers reasonably; (2) to mobilize more social forces to participate in urban governance; (3) to strengthen performance appraisal, which focuses on improving the rate of problems disposal; and (4) to expand scope of DCM’s application, and gradually transit DCM to the digital city.
- Key words: Digital City Management; achievement; problem; recommendation
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