- 得与失
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)04-0088-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:程茂吉,南京师范大学地学院博士研究生,高级规划师,南京市规划设计研究院有限责任公司副院长;
- 南京市城市总体规划实施评估及相关思考
- Evaluating Nanjing Urban Master Planning Implementation and Related Reflections
- 浏览量:
- 程茂吉 王波
- CHENG Mao-ji WANG Bo
- 摘要:
总体规划实施评估是定期总结现行规划实施情况、及时调整规划或提出规划实施建议,实现城市规划滚动发展的重要环节,也是确定城市总体规划是否需要修编的重要依据。本文结合南京城市总体规划修编工作,系统总结了南京现行总体规划实施的成效,针对存在的问题认真分析相应的原因,对如何进行总体规划实施评估工作提出建议和意见。 - 关键词:
南京;总体规划;评估; - Abstract: The evaluation of urban master planning is an important part of carrying out the rolling development of urban planning. It can regularly summarize the implementing situation of existing plans, and make timely adjustment or put forward some implemental suggestions about the urban planning. And it is also an important basis for determining whether the urban planning needs to be revised. Based on the works of Nanjing urban master planning revision, this paper makes a systematic summarization of the effectiveness of the implementation of the existing master plan, and makes a serious analysis of the relevant causes of existing problems, then proposes some recommendations and opinions on how to evaluate the implementation of urban master planning.
- Key words: Nanjing; urban master planning; evaluation
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