- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)05-0042-05
- 中图分类号:G202 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:戴磊,南京师范大学美术学院硕士研究生,南京易太和环境艺术设计有限公司;
- “时间消费”理论指导下的主题性商业综合体——南京水游城购物中心建筑赏析
- “Time Consumption” Theory to Guide the Commercial Complex: Appreciation of Nanjing Aqua City Building
- 浏览量:
- 戴磊 朱馥艺
- DAI Lei ZHU Fu-yi
- 摘要:
商品经济的发展推动着商业建筑模式的发展,我国的商业模式从远古先民的“市集”到当今风靡大江南北的购物中心(MALL),日臻丰富的商业经济需求在传统百货业的“目标性消费”与购物中心的“一站式消费”的基础之上孕育出了以体验式消费和主题性建筑设计为特色的新一代大型商业中心。南京水游城作为近年来这种商业模式的代表在建筑设计和功能美学方面探索出一条独特的发展之路。 - 关键词:
商业建筑;体验经济;“运河”水系;“峡谷”景观; - Abstract: The development of commercial economy promotes the development of commercial building mode. Our business model from the ancient ancestors “fair” evolves to today's popular shopping mall all over China. The specialized market grows from traditional merchandise to targeted consumption and the one-stop consumption which has developed into a new generation of large shopping center with experience type consumption and the theme architecture. Now Nanjing Aqua City, a representative of the business model, explores a unique way of the architectural design and aesthetic function.
- Key words: commercial buildings; experience economy; “Canal river” system; “Canyon” landscape
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