- 同城化研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)06-0015-05
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(批准号: 40971088;40401018);教育部人文社会科学研究项目基金(批准号:09YJAZH105);2009年中山大学研究生教育教学改革研究项目(ZGEI026)。
- 作者简介:林耿,男,博士,中山大学地理科学与规划学院城市与区域规划系,城市与区域研究中心副教授。
- 大都市区消费空间的重构——以广佛同城化为例
- Reconstruction of Consumption Space:A Case Study of Guangzhou-Foshan Metropolitan Area
- 浏览量:
- 林耿
- LIN Geng
- 摘要:
以广佛都市区的同城化为例,分析都市区经济背景、发展路径、经济联系和规划思路,在此基础上探讨同城化下消费的可能走势。随着广佛都市区轨道交通一体化建设的推进,跨境居住-就业行为日渐普遍,消费空间也必然随着消费关系的变化而悄然变化。同时,随着武广高铁和广珠轻轨的建成和通车,广佛同城化处于一个更加开放的区域环境之中。借助中心- 边缘理论对同城化之后的广佛关系进行解读,广佛既可能在一体化之后整合成一个相对于都市区之外而言更大的核心区,也可能在一体化之后分化出都市区内部新的核心区,这些趋势将复合影响着都市区消费空间的整合或分化。 - 关键词:
消费空间;广佛同城化;核心-边缘;规划; - Abstract: Based on the integration of Guangzhou-Foshan, this paper aims to analyze the economic background, development approach, economic relationship and planning strategy, and probes into the trend of consumption in future. With the acceleration of all-in-one track traffic and popularization of the crossborder residence- employment behavior in metropolitan area, the changing relationship of consumption should shape the new consumption space. After Wu-Guang high-speed railway and Guang-Zhu light rail are put into use, the environment of integration of Guangzhou-Foshan will be more open. The paper analyzes integrated relationship between Guangzhou and Foshan with core-periphery theory. It is possible to shape a bigger core to regions outside Guangzhou-Foshan metropolitan area, or to shape new coreperiphery structure in pristine core. Different possibilities of trend will guide to different orientation of consumption space in metropolitan area, which may have impact on integration and diversity.
- Key words: consumption space; integration of Guangzhou-Foshan; core-periphery; planning
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