- 房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)06-0077-03
- 中图分类号:D9 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:钱静(1979-),女,江苏苏州人,南京林业大学经济管理学院法律系讲师,硕士,主要从事宪法与行政法研究。
- 论我国房屋登记错误赔偿责任制度的完善
- To Improve the Compensation Liabilities System of Housing Registration Errors
- 浏览量:
- 钱静
- QIAN Jing
- 摘要:
房屋登记错误与房屋错误登记的内涵与性质有所区别,前者是房屋登记簿所载明的权利所有人与实际所有人不一致的事实状态,后者则是违法的具体行政行为。由错误登记行为引发的登记错误,房屋登记机构理应对相关权利人造成的现实损害承担赔偿责任。但现有的制度设计让房屋登记机构承担赔偿责任的风险过大,笔者认为并不合理。鉴于房屋登记错误产生的原因复杂多样,不同的登记错误类型应当适用不同的赔偿方式和标准,唯此构建合理的赔偿责任体系,才能充分保障房屋所有权人的合法权益。 - 关键词:
房屋登记错误;房屋错误登记;赔偿责任; - Abstract: There are differences in content and nature between housing registration errors and mistaken housing registration (act). The former is some kind of fact about the inconsistence with housing owners contained in the Register and actual ones. The latter is an illegal specific administrative act. Owing to the registration errors caused by mistaken housing registration, the housing registration authorities should carry out the compensation liabilities to the relevant owners. However, the risk of compensation liability faced upon housing registration authorities is too large under the existing system, which is unreasonable. In view of the complex and diverse causes of housing registration errors, different methods and standards for compensation should be applied to different situations, so that a reasonable liability system can fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of housing owners.
- Key words: housing registration errors; mistaken registration (act); compensation liability
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