- 规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)07-0067-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:余珂,硕士,注册规划师,广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院政府规划编制部;
- 《城乡规划法》下控规全覆盖建设用地规模整合——以广州市番禺区为例
- The Urban Land Scale Integration of Fully Covered Regulatory Detailed Planning under Urban-rural Planning Law —A Case Study of Panyu, Guangzhou
- 浏览量:
- 余珂 吴天谋
- YU Ke WU Tian-mou
- 摘要:
进一步强化,对于控规的探讨也成为城市规划领域的热点话题。近年来,全国许多城市开展了控规全覆盖的工作,而建设用地规模是控规全覆盖中的重要内容,如何在上层次的要求下,对控规建设用地进行整合,合理确定建设用地规模和布局,并与土地利用总体规划及相关专项规划相协调,是控规的一个难点问题。本文试以广州市控规全覆盖(番禺区)建设用地规模整合为例,探讨控规全覆盖中建设用地规模整合的思路和方法。 - 关键词:
城乡规划法;控规全覆盖;建设用地;整合; - Abstract: With the implementation of the Urban-rural Planning Law of the People's Republic of China, the regulatory detailed planning has been legitimized as the guidelines for urban development and constructions. Its authority has been further reinforced. Regulatory detailed planning has caused heated discussions in the field of urban planning. In the past few years, the land scale for construction has remained as a critical and important issue at the full-coverage stage of regulatory detailed planning. One of the key problems is, within the top-down institution, how to identify the scale of the land for construction in cooperation with the chief planning of the land use and related planning projects. This paper aims to discuss the approaches of integrative use of land for construction under the full coverage of regulatory detailed planning based on the case in Panyu, Guangzhou.
- Key words: Urban-rural Planning Law; Regulatory Detailed Planning; urban land scale; integration
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