- 设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)07-0043-05
- 中图分类号:TU2 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:住房和城乡建设部专题项目:大型公共建筑风险评估制度研究(2008年防灾应急课题22)。
- 作者简介:章蓓蓓(1984-),女,东南大学土木学院项目管理研究所,博士研究生,研究方向:工程项目管理、全寿命周期管理;
- 大型公共建筑全寿命周期设计体系研究
- A Study on Life Cycle Design System of Large-scale Public Building
- 浏览量:
- 章蓓蓓 成虎 毛龙泉
- ZHANG Bei-bei CHENG Hu MAO Long-quan
- 摘要:
剖析传统设计存在的弊端,坚持建筑性能与生态性能、经济性与艺术性相结合的原则,提出大型公共建筑全寿命周期设计理念,并与生态设计、可持续设计等方法进行对比分析;建立以可靠性与安全性设计、可施工性设计、工程系统寿命匹配性设计、全寿命周期费用优化设计、可维护性设计、可扩展性设计、防灾减灾设计、环境友好型设计和人性化设计九项目标为核心的大型公共建筑全寿命周期设计目标体系;构建大型公共建筑全寿命周期设计的集成分析路径,由战略目标集成、工程系统集成、系统环境集成三个层次构成。为推动全寿命周期设计在大型公共建筑中的实施,制定了实施流程和E B S - O B S 矩阵方法,并以某办公楼为例阐述了全寿命周期设计的实施步骤。 - 关键词:
大型公共建筑;全寿命周期设计;分析;实施;EBS-OBS矩阵; - Abstract: Life cycle design of large-scale public building is put forward based on analysis of traditional design’s defects and insistence on the principles of functionality, ecology, economy and artistry. A comparative analysis between life cycle design and other design methods is conducted. Then night objectives that are reliability and safety, constructability, matched life, life cycle cost optimization, maintainability, expansibility, disaster and emergency prevention, environment friendliness, humanization are proposed, which constitute a design objective system for large-scale public building. Integration analysis path, which is made up of strategic objective integration, engineering system integration and system environment integration, is established. In order to promote application of life cycle design in largescale public building, implementation process and EBS-OBS matrix are also formulated. An office building is taken as an example to interpret the implementing steps.
- Key words: large-scale public building; life cycle design; analysis; implementation; EBS-OBS Matrix
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