- 公共服务设施均等化研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)07-0007-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金课题(NO.40901082,NO.40871077)资助成果
- 作者简介:罗震东,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,副教授,博士;
- 城乡基本公共服务设施均等化发展的界定、特征与途径
- Definition, Characteristics and Gateway of the Equalized Development of Basic Public Service Facilities in Urban and Rural Areas
- 浏览量:
- 罗震东 韦江绿 张京祥
- LUO Zhen-dong WEI Jiang-lv ZHANG Jing-xiang
- 摘要:
基本公共服务设施是基本公共服务的载体,促进基本公共服务设施的均等化发展是落实基本公共服务均等化,从空间规划与建设角度推动城乡统筹发展的重要方面和技术支撑。针对现实发展中存在的各种缺失,试图从基本公共服务设施均等化的界定着手,通过对当前发展特征的总结探索均等化发展的必要途径。认为分权化的制度安排导致基本公共服务供给能力存在巨大差异,经济发达地区数量均等已获较大发展,质量均等程度远远不够,集中化规模化带来的空间可达性问题凸显。基于以上问题,认为健康城市化与基本公共服务设施均等化发展相辅相成,政府责权明晰是基本公共服务设施均等化发展的保证,基本公共服务设施均等化发展需要规划技术支撑。 - 关键词:
基本公共服务;基本公共服务设施;均等化;城乡统筹; - Abstract: Basic Public Service Facilities (BPSF) is the carrier of Basic Public Service (BPS). Promoting the equalization development of BPSF is an important content and technical support for the work to balance urban and rural development from spatial planning and construction perspective. Aimed at solving various problems with the reality of development, this paper attempts to search for the essential approaches for the equalized development of BPSF by summarizing characteristics of current development of BPSF, beginning with defining the equalization of BPSF. We believe that the decentralization of government authority has caused a huge chasm between the provision of BPS of different basic administrative units. Hence, though the quantitative equalization has remarkably improved in developed areas, the qualitative equalization is still insufficient, and the problem of low accessibility brought by the centralization and expansion of scale of BPSF is aggravating. Based on the above-mentioned problems, we believe that healthy urbanization and the equalized development of BPSF should be complementary to each other, with the latter requiring clarifying of authorities of governments in different level as assurance and planning technique as backingup.
- Key words: basic public service; basic public service facilities; equalization; balance between urban and rural development
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