- 规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)07-0077-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:苏州科技学院2010年研究生科研创新计划项目“控制性详细规划中的低碳控制方法研究”(SKCX10S-012)。
- 作者简介:周银波(1986—),女,城市规划理论与设计,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生。
- 以低碳化城乡建设发展为目标的控规指标体系探析
- The Exploitation of the Indicator-system of Regulatory Detailed Planning Aiming at Low-carbon Development of the Construction in Urban and Rural Areas
- 浏览量:
- 周银波 黄耀志
- ZHOU Yin-bo HUANG Yao-zhi
- 摘要:
控制性详细规划是指导城乡土地开发建设的法规文件,城乡低碳化建设要求只有量化为指标并落实到地块开发导则中才能得以实施。如何使城镇低碳生态化发展的要求指标化并落实到建设实施中,是本课题的主要研究内容。探索的重点是如何选择将低碳生态化目标分解到开发建设的各地块的指标中,并以强制性指标通过控制性详细规划的指标体系完整表达,纳入地块开发的控制图则,并制定奖罚制度,以指导城镇土地开发的低碳化发展。 - 关键词:
低碳;控制性详细规划;指标; - Abstract: Regulatory detailed planning is a legal document to guide the development and construction of the urban and rural land. The low-carbon requirements should be quantified as indicators, and carried out in the guideline of the block-exploitation. Only in this way can the low- carbon development be realized. The main content of this research is to find a way to quantify the low-carbon demand, and then put it into effect. The focal point of this essay is how to choose and put the low-carbon and ecological goal into the block indicators. At the same time, they should be expressed completely as mandatory-indicators in the indicatorsystem of Regulatory detailed planning, and put them into the control-pattern of the block-exploitation. What’s more, the regulation concerning rewards and disciplinary sanctions is drawn up to guide the lowcarbon development of land exploitation in urban and rural areas.
- Key words: low-carbon; regulatory detailed planning; indicators
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