- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)08-0049-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:北京大学深圳研究生院院长基金资助项目:绿色城市理念下的高密度紧凑型空间形态模式研究(编号:NO.2010036)
- 作者简介:陈可石,北京大学中国城市设计研究中心主任,教授,博士生导师;
- 高密度城市中心区空间设计研究——香港铜锣湾商业中心与维多利亚公园的互补模式
- Spatial Design in High-Density Urban Centre Districts from Chinese Communities: Complementary Models of CRD and Park in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
- 浏览量:
- 陈可石 崔翀
- CHEN Ke-shi CUI Chong
- 摘要:
香港的铜锣湾商业中心区是世界上地价最高、建筑密度最大的城市商业中心之一;而位于同一地段的维多利亚公园则在这片高密度的混凝土森林中劈开一块绿洲,成为香港面积最大同时也最受市民欢迎的城市公园。两个组团占地规模相当,却一密一疏、一紧一弛、一商业一休闲、一资本一公共,无论在城市功能、还是空间形态等方面都完美地实现了互补。这种最初源于英国田园城市的理念,在香港的这片不足一平方公里的核心城区,率先开创了华人社区绿色高效活力动感的典范,成为亚洲拥挤文化背景下城市中心区空间设计的成功模型。 - 关键词:
华人社区;高密度;城市中心区;香港;铜锣湾; - Abstract: Causeway Bay CRD (Central Retail District) is the most important area in Hong Kong, with the most expensive land and the highest density. Victoria Park, located in the same site, splits a piece of oasis in the concrete forests, and becomes one of the most popular city parks in Hong Kong. These two parts of the city are similar in size, but completely different in urban functions and spatial forms, providing themselves the opportunities to complement each other. This urban core with less than one square area, which derived from the concept of British Garden City and adapted with the Chinese Communities, will become the successful model of spatial design in urban centre district, and guide the direction of urban development with Asia's crowded cultural background in China.
- Key words: Chinese communities; high-density; urban centre district; Hong Kong; Causeway Bay
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