- 城市化与被动城市化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)08-0005-07
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(40971101),国家“十一五”科技支撑计划重大项目(2006BAJ05A06)
- 作者简介:方创琳,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所教授,博士生导师,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所城市发展研究室主任,区域与城市规划研究中心主任,近年来主要从事城市发展与规划研究。
- 中国城市化进程亚健康的反思与警示
- The Reflection on the Sub-health of Urbanization in China
- 浏览量:
- 方创琳
- FANG Chuang-lin
- 摘要:
中国城市化进程总体朝着健康化的方向发展,城市化进程基本符合城市化发展的“S”曲线规律,目前进入快速城市化发展阶段。在快速城市化进程中不可避免地出现了一系列亟待解决的现实问题,这使得中国的城市化整体处在亚健康状态。本文通过对我国现行城市化亚健康状态的深刻反思后认为,中国城市化不应该是“算出来”、“比出来”、“拆出来”、“耗出来”、“染出来”和“挤出来”的城市化。为了积极稳妥地推进中国城市化向健康方向发展,需要贯彻落实以人为本的科学发展观,科学调控城市化速度与质量之间的关系,把提升城市化质量作为重中之重;正确处理好主动城市化与被动城市化之间的关系,走主动城市化的道路;努力协调好城市化与生态环境之间的胁迫关系,立足资源环境承载能力推行可持续的城市化;高度重视城市化与新农村建设的关系,推行城乡统筹与共荣发展;辨证地看待城市化与市场化的关系,以市场化积极稳妥地推进城市化。 - 关键词:
城市化进程;亚健康状态;反思与警示;中国; - Abstract: China’s urbanization has steadily entered the stage of acceleration in a healthy direction generally, mainly following the curve of S shape. With the rapid development of China’s urbanization there are a series of inevitable urgent practical problems to be solved , which cause a sub-health status of China’s urbanization. Based on a profound reflection on the existing sub-health status of China’s urbanization, this paper claims that the urbanization should not be calculated mathematically, compared unrealistically, demolished blindly, depleted with a short-term view, colored irrationally and extruded excessively. In order to provide a vigorous impetus to China’s urbanization in a healthy direction, several measures should be taken. Firstly, in view of the scientific development ,the dynamic relationship between the speed and quality of urbanization should be coordinated scientifically, and the promotion of the quality of urbanization should be emphasized. Secondly, the blurry relationship between active urbanization and passive urbanization should be handled correctly, and a path of active urbanization should be taken. Thirdly, the coercive relationship between urbanization and ecological environment should be adjusted reasonably so as to promote a sustainable urbanization process based on the region’s resources and environment carrying capacity. Fourthly, the interactive relationship between urbanization and a new socialist countryside construction should be given profound attention to balance urban and rural development. Finally, the dialectical relationship between urbanization and deregulation should be recognized objectively, and market-oriented means to push the urbanization process should be considered.
- Key words: urbanization process; sub-health status; reflection and reference; China
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