- 慢城运动及其启示
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)09-0018-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:丁海茹,注册城市规划师,美国龙安建筑规划设计咨询有限公司规划部经理,研究方向:城市规划、低碳生态规划。
- 传承自然生态之美 创造慢行城市生活——新疆拜城县北部新区城市慢行系统建设构想
- Slow Traffic Growth out of Nature Showing Beauty of City Life -- Concept of Slow Traffic in Baicheng North New District, Xinjiang
- 浏览量:
- 丁海茹
- DING Hai-ru
- 摘要:
随着人本主义的回归,慢行系统日渐成为一种发展趋势和潮流,很多国内外城市都开始着手慢行系统的建设,提出“慢行城市”的理念,这与当前大势所趋的生态城市、步行城市、可持续发展等概念一脉相承。文章从绿色网络空间、慢行街区、绿色慢行交通等多角度出发,倡导小城慢行生活,构建以自然生态为特色、慢行城市生活为主题的小城生活方式。 - 关键词:
慢行街区;邻里开发模式;TND;;慢行交通;步行导向模式;POD;;城市生活; - Abstract: As the return of humanism, the slow traffic has become a new trend. Under such circumstances, foreign countries begin to set up systems putting forward the concept of “Slow Traffic Style City”, which can well fit the tempo of the Eco-city, the pedestrian city and the concept of sustainable development. Therefore, the essay focuses on the green net space, the slow traffic blocks and the green slow traffic, and advotes the small town and slow traffic theory based on nature.
- Key words: slow traffic blocks; TND; slow traffic; POD; city life
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