- 规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)09-0030-09
- 中图分类号:TU984.2 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:汪军,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,利物浦大学城市设计系,博士研究生;
- 规划建设用地标准的影响因素及多元控制
- The Imapction Factors and Multi-criteria Control Mechanism of the Regulation of Planning Development Land
- 浏览量:
- 汪军 赵民
- 摘要:
城市规划师从意愿上都会把追求规划的确定性列为理想目标,但由于规划编制时存在的主观认识局限性和规划实施中规划对象的变异性,导致了规划与实践的脱离,造成了所谓的规划“失效”。为了实现规划与实施的动态吻合、保持二者的一致性,从而增进城市规划的同步性、科学性、指导性、可操作性,需要在编制规划时预留应对各种未知因素和未来挑战的技术性空间,并恒常对规划方案进行调整、补充、修编,实现规划的及时革新或再生,缩短规划与实施之间的距离。此所谓规划的可变性。 - 关键词:
规划建设用地;多元控制;气候分区;人口规模; - Abstract: With a brief description of the problems of < The State Planning Regulation of Urban Land Classification and Planning Development Land>, this paper aims on providing a comprehensive depiction on the revision research of the Regulation. According to the observation on the samples of current cities, the research sorts out the factors which possibly impact the land criteria. After analyzing the relatiions of the factors, the paper predicts the most effective factors and formulates a projecting model of urban land criteria. During this process, the research points out the idea of Multi-criteria control and its practical instrument, which are obviously the outstanding progress for the new regulation.
- Key words: planning development land; multi-criteria control mechanism; climate zone; population
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