- 房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)09-0081-05
- 中图分类号:F293.33 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:杨玲(1972- ),女,重庆社会科学院城乡统筹所副所长、副研究员,大学本科学历,研究方向为城市经济及管理。
- 对完善重庆市公租房管理的思考
- Thoughts on Perfecting the Public Rental Housing Management in Chongqing
- 浏览量:
- 杨玲
- YANG Ling
- 摘要:
公租房作为补充完善住房保障体系、解决“夹心层”住房问题的有力手段得到中央以及各地政府的肯定。重庆市更是提出了建设4000 万m2 公租房的宏大目标。而公租房的管理是否科学、合理、有序,将直接决定其保障效率的高低。作为保障性住房的新形式,公租房的管理在全国尚没有一套成熟的办法。重庆市虽然进行了积极探索,也还存在一些问题。本文以重庆市公租房管理问题为导向,力图通过问题研究,为完善公租房的管理提供借鉴。 - 关键词:
完善;公租房;管理;重庆; - Abstract: Public rental housing, a complement of housing system and a way to resolve " Interlayer s’" housing problems,is approved by both local and central Governments. Chongqing proposed an ambitious goal of construction of 40 million square meters for public rental. Whether the Public rental management is scientific, reasonable and orderly will directly determine efficiency. As new forms of protection of housing, public housing management in the country is not a sophisticated approach. Although there is exploration in Chongqing, , there are still some problems. This paper can provide some useful suggestions of management of public housing rental based upon the case study in Chongqing.
- Key words: perfecting; the public housing; management; Chongqing
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