- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)09-0086-05
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:2008年度深圳软科学研究项目(深圳市产业升级过程中企业面临的困难与对策研究)成果。
- 作者简介:龙叶先,贵阳学院讲师,清华大学科学技术与社会研究所博士,研究方向:产业与社会、产业哲学;
- 深圳产业升级中企业用地面临的问题与政策选择
- Land-using Problems and Policy Selection for Enterprises in the Course of Industry Upgrading in Shenzhen
- 浏览量:
- 龙叶先 栾春娟 黄云
- LONG Ye-xian LUAN Chun-juan HUANG Yun
- 摘要:
深圳产业升级中企业所面临的用地困局,很大程度上根源于“售让”用地政策。因此,这一困局的破解,必须改革现有的用地政策,以“租赁”用地取代“售让”用地。 - 关键词:
深圳;企业用地;售让;租赁; - Abstract: To some extent, the land-using problems of Shenzhen Enterprises in industry upgrading were caused by the “selling” land-using policy. Therefore, the solution of the problem overcome must begin with the existing land-using policy reforma, introducing the “land-leasing” use instead of “land-selling” use.
- Key words: Shenzhen; land-using of enterprise; selling use; leasing use
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