- 空间研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)01-0079-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目支持,项目批准号:51178091,项目名称:城市开放空间结构演化与居民行为互动机理研究。
- 作者简介:高雁鹏,东北大学,资源与土木工程学院,讲师;
- 长春市开发区的空间拓展及其对城市空间的影响
- Spatial Expansion of Development Zone into Changchun City and its Impact on Urban Space
- 浏览量:
- 高雁鹏 庞瑞秋 王唯
- GAO Yan-peng PANG Rui-qiu WANG Wei
- 摘要:
长春市开发区促进了城市经济结构、城市空间形态及空间结构的变化。本文以长春市4 个开发区为研究对象,对各开发区的发展概况及空间拓展的特征进行研究,分析开发区建设中存在的主要问题及其对城市空间的影响,进而讨论开发区的建设应选择点轴式发展模式,关注空间的拓展质量,协调各空间结构的布局、用地功能的有机混合、提高土地的利用效率,实现长春市与开发区健康有序的发展。 - 关键词:
开发区;空间拓展;城市空间结构; - Abstract: The development zone of Changchun has motivated the changes of economic structure, spatial form and structure of the city. This paper focuses on four development zones of Changchun, studies the expanding features of the development zones; and analyzes the existing problems and their impacts on the urban space of the development zones. It illustrates that point to axial should be chosen as the development pattern for the development zones, focuses on the quality of space expanding, coordinates the layout of the spatial structure and the function of mixed-use land use, improves land use efficiency and contributes to achieve a sustainable development of development zones and Changchun.
- Key words: development zone; spatial expansion; urban spatial structure
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