- 空间研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)01-0084-07
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:谷艳博,华东师范大学资源与环境科学学院城市与区域经济系;
- 物流业发展与城市空间结构演变关系分析——以重庆市江北区为例
- Analysis on the Relationship between Logistics Development and Urban Spatial Structure --A Case Study of Jiangbei District, Chongqing
- 浏览量:
- 谷艳博 宗会明
- GU Yan-bo ZONG Hui-ming
- 摘要:
在全球化进程中,全球生产网络进一步深化,物流业在此背景下蓬勃发展,受到广泛关注。基于对国内外学者已有研究的分析,从理论和实证两个层面对物流业发展会对城市空间结构演变所产生的影响进行初步分析和探讨。在理论层面上,物流业的发展一方面会加强城市的集聚效应,同时为城市扩张提供动力,使城市空间结构呈现空间上非均衡的发展趋势。另一方面促进城市功能分区合理化,缩小城市内部区域差异。在理论分析基础上,以重庆市江北区为例,具体探讨江北区物流业发展对城市空间结构演变产生的影响。 - 关键词:
现代物流业;城市空间结构;演变;重庆市江北; - Abstract: In the process of globalization, logistics has received worldwide concern with the further development of global production networks. Theoretically, the development of logistics industry will strengthen urban agglomeration effects, provide motivation for urban sprawl ,and make urban spatial structure more reasonable. Above all the theories, this paper took Jiangbei District in Chongqing as an example and discussed the influences of logistics development on the evolution of urban spatial structure in Jiangbei district.
- Key words: logistics; urban spatial structure; evolution; Jiangbei district
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