- 保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)01-0034-13
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:蒋薇,德国斯图加特大学建筑与城市规划学院城市设计研究所。
- 中德城市中心工商住混合型历史街区更新的比较研究——以柏林哈克雪庭院群和上海田子坊为例
- A Comparison of Urban Renewal of Mixed-Use Residential/ Commercial/Industrial Historic Blocks in Germany and China -Case Studies of Hackesche Hofe in Berlin and Tianzifang in Shanghai
- 浏览量:
- 蒋薇
- 摘要:
本文从中德两国不同的城市更新背景出发,撷取柏林哈克雪庭院群与上海田子坊为例,探讨了在城市中心工商住混合型历史街区的更新中如何以文化为主题,实现居住、文化、商业功能的和谐再生,在保护其城市肌理和历史文脉的同时提升地块活力,使之成为城市文化的地标。 - 关键词:
混合型历史街区;保护与更新;柏林;上海; - Abstract: As two typical mix-used historic blocks in the city center, Hackesche Hofe in Berlin and Tianzifang in Shanghai have been analyzed as examples of urban renewal cases on purpose of urbancontext- protection and revitalization. The paper focused on how to preserve cultural values and enhance the unique identity of local features through conversion of usages and spatial reconfiguration.
- Key words: mixed-use historic blocks; preservation and renewal; Berlin; Shanghai
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