- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)01-0091-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:韩兵(1985-),男,东南大学交通学院硕士研究生,交通运输规划与管理方向;
- 南京跨江到拥江发展的交通建设策略研究
- Research of Traffic Construction Strategies from River-Crossing to Embracing Development in Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 韩兵 过秀成 孔哲 窦雪萍
- HAN Bing GUO Xiu-cheng KONG Zhe DOU Xue-ping
- 摘要:
论文首先阐述了南京拥江发展的形成,进而通过对比研究解读了拥江发展的内涵,在此基础上,从规模门槛与不平衡扩张两方面分析了拥江发展对交通服务体系的要求;在此指导下,结合其交通适应性分析提出了交通与土地利用一体化、过江运输立体化与一体化、江北自身交通系统提升等交通建设策略。 - 关键词:
拥江发展;战略内涵;交通服务体系;交通建设策略; - Abstract: The paper first discussed the formation of Nanjing embracing development, and through the comparative study, it interpreted the connotation of embracing development. Based upon this, from two aspects of the scale threshold and unbalanced expansion it analyzed the requirements for traffic service system. Under the guidance, combined with the adaptive traffic analysis it proposed three traffic construction strategies, such as the integration of land use and traffic, three-dimensional and integration of transportation, and the Jiangbei traffic system improvements.
- Key words: embracing development; stratagem connotation; traffic service system; traffic construction strategies
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