- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)10-0050-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:杨国胜,重庆大学建筑城规学院在职博士,重庆师范大学地理旅游学院副教授,主要从事城市规划、旅游规划及历史保护等相关研究;
- 历史名镇的空间保护与文化弘扬——以重庆秀山洪安古镇保护对策为例
- The Space Conservation and Promoting Traditional Culture of Historic Town——A Case Study of Conservation Strategies of Hong’an Historic Town in Xiushan County
- 浏览量:
- 杨国胜 张孝英 龙彬 覃继牧 余沁锶
- YANG Guo-sheng ZHANG Xiao-ying LONG Bin QIN Ji-mu YU Qin-si
- 摘要:
以洪安历史名镇为例,对衰落型商贸古镇如何实施历史街区保护及文化传承进行了针对性研究;对历史街区保护的基本框架和文化弘扬的主体内容进行了阐释论证。通过分析古镇的地域文化、历史建筑和山水空间特色,提出了保护发展中的文化生态衰微、自然生态退化、公共设施落后等根本性问题,指出保护古镇应遵循整体保护思想理念,并从保护原真性、增强宜居性、保护整体性、增进宜游性、夯实底蕴性等方面提出了空间保护和文化传承的具体应对策略和实施手段,力图为同型历史城镇空间保护提供可资参考的思路和借鉴。 - 关键词:
历史古镇;空间保护;文化弘扬;洪安边城; - Abstract: Taking Hong’an Historic Town as an example of increasingly decadent old trade town, the paper mainly studies how to protect the historic cultural space and pass the historic culture on to future generations. The basic frameworks for historic space conservation and the main objects of developing and expanding traditional culture are elucidated in this paper. On the basis of the characteristics of local culture, historic building and scenery space, this paper discusses basic issues of cultural and natural ecosystems degradat ion, obsolete municipal infrastructure. The authors believe that historic town conservation and protection should follow the conceptions of integral preservation, and put forwards the strategies for protecting the authenticity, promoting the livability, integrating conservation, improving the tourism accessibility, and exploring the cultural backgrounds. To sum up, the paper tries to provide some reference for the protection of similar historic towns.
- Key words: historic town; historic space conservation; promoting traditional culture; Hong'an Bian Cheng
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