- 城乡统筹
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)10-0072-10
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:陕西省软科学基金(2012KRM47),“陕南秦岭地区城乡统筹发展机制及优化策略研究”成果。
- 作者简介:张中华,男 (1981-),西安建筑科技大学建筑学院讲师,城市规划与设计专业工学博士,主要研究城乡规划理论与方法。
- 陕南秦岭地区城乡统筹发展的适宜模式及实施措施研究
- Research on the Appropriate Mode of Urban and Rural Development in Qinling Region of Southern Shaanxi
- 浏览量:
- 张中华
- ZHANG Zhong-hua
- 摘要:
西部地区生态环境脆弱,人居环境恶劣,在城乡统筹规划中需要重点关注的是如何采取有效的发展模式,推动人口城镇化发展,创造更好的城乡人居环境,以实现更加有效的城乡统筹规划。本文以陕南秦岭地区为案例深入分析陕南秦岭地区城乡统筹发展的现实背景、发展现状、存在问题,从人口转移、产业集群、空间融合三个维度探讨了基于生态脆弱性特征背景下的陕南秦岭地区的城乡统筹发展的适宜模式,并提出了能够推动和支撑陕南秦岭地区城乡统筹发展的一些关键性实施措施,分析结果认为,人口、产业、空间是城乡统筹发展的核心内容,生态功能区划、城乡交通勾连、公共服务均等、旅游环线促动、实施移民搬迁等是推动陕南秦岭地区城乡统筹发展的关键措施。 - 关键词:
陕南秦岭地区;城乡统筹;发展模式;实施措施; - Abstract: The western region has fragile ecological environment and poor living environment. What needs to focus on in urban and rural planning is how to take effective model of development to promote the development population urbanization, create a better urban and rural living environment to achieve more effective urban and rural planning. Taking southern Shaanxi Qinling region as the case to conduct in-depth analysis of the realistic background, development status and existing problems of the urban and rural planning in the region, the paper discussed the appropriate mode in the background of ecologically fragile characteristics in three dimensions of population transfer, industry clusters and spatial integration, and proposes some key implementation measures that can promote and support the development of urban and rural planning in the region; the analysis results concluded that the population, industry, space are the core of the urban and rural development, while the ecological function zoning, collusion between the urban and rural transportation, equalization of public services, travel loop line promotion and the implementation of the relocation are key measures to promote the development of urban and rural areas of Qinling region in Southern Shaanxi.
- Key words: southern Shaanxi Qinl ing region; urban and rural development; development mode; implementation measures
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