- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)10-0094-05
- 中图分类号:U12 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:河北省社会科学基金,河北省综合交通评价与管理体系研究,项目编号:HB10XGL189。
- 作者简介:段满珍(1974-),女,硕士,河北联合大学建筑工程学院副教授,研究方向:城市交通;
- 中国高铁发展阻力与必然趋势
- Resistance and the Inevitable Trend of China High-speed Rail Development
- 浏览量:
- 段满珍 董博 李铮 曹会云
- DUAN Man-zhen DONG Bo LI Zheng CAO Hui-yun
- 摘要:
“7.23”甬温动车事故的发生让中国高铁发展遭遇了冰封期。曾经的舆论和国内外各方压力纷沓而至,中国要不要继续发展高铁?本文首先回顾了曾经让人们对高铁建设产生怀疑的网络谣言:张拾迈与“夏尔谢夫力”;然后从高铁的能源利用、环保设计等角度论证了高铁的节能与环保问题;最后从中国高铁继续建设的必要性、对经济的带动作用、掌握核心技术的重要性以及德国的发展经验等角度论证了中国继续高铁建设的必然趋势。 - 关键词:
高铁;节能;环保;安全; - Abstract: "7.23" Yong Wen motor-car accident let the development of high-speed rail suffer a frozen period. Once public opinion and pressure from all sides come again at home and abroad.Should China continue to develop high-speed rail? This paper first reviews the internet rumor: Zhang Shimai and “Charles Xie Fuli” that once cast doubt on the construction of high-speed rail, then discusses the energy saving and environmental protection problem of high-speed rail from energy utilization, environmental design, and fnally it discusses the inevitable trend of Chinese to continue to construct high-speed rail from perspectives of drive of economy, grasp of the core technology and the German experience.
- Key words: high-speed rail; energy saving; environmental protection; safety
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