- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)11-0090-04
- 中图分类号:TV8;X31 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:上海市科委重大项目(编号09DZ1200901);上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”基础研究重点项目(编号08JC1408800);上海市绿化和市容管理局/上海市水务局共同资助项目。
- 作者简介:左俊杰(1981-),江苏大学环境艺术系,讲师,博士,主要研究方向为景观生态规划与设计;
- 《上海市河道绿化建设导则》编制解析
- The Explanation and Analysis of “Guideline of Riparian Greening in Shanghai, China”
- 浏览量:
- 左俊杰 蔡永立
- ZUO Jun-jie CAI Yong-li
- 摘要:
河道绿化在河道生境维护以及亲水环境的营造上有着重要作用。过去的河道绿化建设出现了许多问题和偏差,使得河流的生态系统健康受到损害,河道绿化作为河道生态恢复的重要途径,正在逐步受到重视。目前,我国河道绿化的范围、目标、形式和手段不够规范,国内尚无相关规范作为河道绿化建设的依据,在此情况下水务部门与绿化部门共同启动了《上海市河道绿化建设导则》的编制研究工作,导则已经在上海及其周边地区正式施行,并已经成功应用在 2010 世博会黄浦江段、上海市域“万河整治”工程中 130 余条河段的河道绿化建设工程中。本文针对导则编制的背景、编制原则、编制过程以及内容概要作了必要的解析和说明,旨在使相关设计人员了解导则编制意图与正确执行,同时也为其它省市开展相关研究工作提供参考与依据。 - 关键词:
河道;绿化;导则;河岸带;上海; - Abstract: Riparian greening plays an important role in the river habitat maintenance, and creation of charming environment. There are many problems in the river ecosystem restoration in past and it makes the river ecosystem harmful, however, the riparian greening is becoming more and more important. Researchers give less strength on the riparian greening boundary, the goal and the form. At present, there is no relevant construction guidelines and regulation of the river greenbelt in China. Because of this, the water conservation department and reforestation department jointly launched the “guideline of riparian greening in Shanghai, China” and it has been put into implementation. This paper makes necessary analysis and description of the establishment background, guideline for compiling principles, preparation process and content outline guide, but also provides information and references for related research in other cities.
- Key words: stream; riparian greening; guideline; riparian; Shanghai
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