- 城市化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)11-0056-05
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:本文系 2010年广西教育厅科研资助项目:中国——东盟自贸区背景下深化桂台经济合作的政策体系研究(201012MS030);广西人文社会科学发展研究中心2010年度一般项目:北部湾经济区深化对台经济合作的产业选择与政策机制研究的阶段性成果(FW2010011)。
- 作者简介:徐晓伟,男,广西师范大学经济管理学院硕士研究生,主要研究方向:城市发展理论与政策、区域经济发展与合作;
- 长三角城市化与经济发展水平关系研究——基于东部主要城市的比较分析
- The Research of the Relat ionship between Level of Urbanization and Economic Development in the Yangtze River Delta—— A Comparative Analysis of the Main Cities in Eastern China
- 浏览量:
- 徐晓伟 刘澈元
- XU Xiao-wei LIU Che-yuan
- 摘要:
研究长三角区域城市化与经济发展水平关系对于促进区域一体化以及制定各市的发展规划有着重大意义。利用长三角 16 个城市和东部 21 个高经济发展水平城市的统计数据,采用改进的象限图方法分析城市化与经济发展水平关系的长三角格局。研究发现:省际尺度上两者关系的地域差异并不明显,仅存在南北翼的微弱差异。此外,城市化与经济发展水平关系格局存在马太效应。长三角各城市应根据自身的城市化与经济发展进程,依据客观的发展规律,研究两者适度不协调的合理性,制定两者协调发展的合理规划。 - 关键词:
城市化;经济发展水平;关系;长三角格局; - Abstract: The research of the relationship between level of urbanization and economic development is of great signifcance to promote regional integration and making development planning in every city. With statistic data of 16 cities in the Yangtze River Delta and 21 cities in eastern China with high-level economic development, this paper uses the improved method of Quadrant to analyze the pattern of the Yangtze River Delta. We can fnd that the relationship between level of urbanization and that of economic development in different provinces is not signifcantly different and there is only minor difference between north and south provinces . Furthermore, matthew effect exists in the relationship. According to objective law of development, the cities in the Yangtze River Delta should analyze the moderate disharmony between process of urbanization and economic development, and then make rational planning of coordinated development .
- Key words: level of urbanization; level of economic development; the relationship; pattern of the Yangtze River Delta
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