- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)12-0080-07
- 中图分类号:X321 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:住房和城乡建设部2010年科学技术项目计划(2010-R2-28);2010年苏州市建设系统科研项目;江苏省普通高校研究生科技创新计划立项项目(CXLX_0161)。
- 作者简介:章蓓蓓(1984-),女,安徽黄山人,东南大学土木学院项目管理研究所,博士研究生,研究方向:工程项目管理;
- 市政基础设施运营系统碳排放计算方法 ——以苏州市为例的实证研究
- Carbon Emissions Estimation Method in Urabn Infrastructure Operational System —An Empirical Study in Suzhou
- 浏览量:
- 章蓓蓓 张春霞 佘健俊
- ZHANG Bei-bei ZHANG Chun-xia SHE Jian-jun
- 摘要:
市政基础设施是城市系统的重要组成部分,其节能减排对于全球减排工作和城市可持续发展具有重要意义。对市政基础设施运营系统进行分解,包括地面公交、自来水供应、燃气供应、道路照明、景观照明、污水处理、垃圾处理七类工程;将系统碳排放分解为处理工艺过程排放、消耗能源直接排放、消耗能源间接排放三种类型;建立系统构成和碳排放类型之间的映射关系,确定市政基础设施运营系统的碳排放计算范畴明细。对现有四种碳排放计算方法进行对比,选择适合本研究的计算方法。以计算范畴和计算方法为基础,建立市政基础设施运营系统的碳排放计算模型,同时对所需碳排放因子进行计算与选择。最后,以苏州市为例计算了市政基础设施系统 2001 ~ 2010 年的运营碳排放,并对 2011 ~ 2015 年期间的碳排放进行预测。 - 关键词:
市政基础设施;运营;碳排放计算方法;排放因子; - Abstract: Urban infrastructure is one of the most important parts of city system. It is too signifcant to save energy and reduce carbon emission in urban infrastructure system. Urban infrastructure operational system consists of ground transportation, water supply, gas supply, street lighting, landscape lighting, sewage treatment, garbage disposal while carbon emission includes treatment process emission, direct emission and indirect emission of energy consumption. The mapping relationship between system structure and emission type was built and the carbon emission calculation category of urban infrastructure operational system was determined. A comparative analysis of four existing methods was conducted for selecting the suitable estimating method for this research. The estimating model for urban infrastructure operational system was established on the basis of calculation category and estimating method, while the emission factors were selected or calculated. Finally, an empirical study of Suzhou was conducted to verify the estimating method proposed in this study. The 2001-2010 carbon emissions of Suzhou urban infrastructure operational system were calculated and 2001-2010 carbon emissions were predicted.
- Key words: urban infrastructure; operation emissions; carbon emissions estimation method; emission factor
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