- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)12-0018-10
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:陕西省教育厅人文社科专项科研项目成果,项目编号:12JK0217.
- 作者简介:张中华,男,(1981-),西安建筑科技大学建筑学院讲师,城市规划与设计专业工学博士,主要研究城乡规划理论与方法及城市日常生活空间结构规划;
- 地方理论导向下的总体城市设计研究 — 以西安市长安区为例
- General Urban Des ign Research under Place Theory Orientation - A Case Study of Changan District of Xi’an
- 浏览量:
- 张中华 张沛
- ZHANG Zhong-hua ZHANG Pei
- 摘要:
地方理论 (Place Theory) 在城市规划与设计研究领域中,代表着对城市设计研究的一种新角度、新方法、新视野。地方理论强调从地方性建构和地方感生产视角来分析,并解构城市空间环境的构成。本文以地方理论为基础,以地方性建构和地方感生产为目标,以西安市长安区作为理论实践基地,探讨地方理论导向下的总体城市设计策略,从而丰富和完善地方理论研究体系,并实现地方理论在城市设计研究领域中的应用活化。 - 关键词:
地方理论、地方性建构、地方感生产、城市设计; - Abstract: Place Theory represents a new angle and a new method to environmental design research in the domain of urban planning and design research, and it also represents a new vision of contemporary urban design research. The Place Theory emphasizes on analyzing from the angle produced by local construction and sense of place, and deconstructing the constitution of the urban space environment. On the basis of Place Theory, this paper takes the local construction and sense of place production as the goal while taking Changan District of Xi’an City as the theory and practice base, discussing the general urban design strategy under Place Theory orientation, thereby enriching and completing the research system of Place Theory, and achieving the application and activation of Place Theory in the domain of urban design research.
- Key words: place theory; local construction; sense of place production; general urban design
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