- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)12-0087-07
- 中图分类号:X321 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:住房和城乡建设部软科学研究项目(2010-R2—25)、山东省软科学研究项目(2010RKGB1106)资助。
- 作者简介:朱洪祥(1956-),男,山东济南人,山东省建设发展研究院院长,研究员,主要从事城镇化与低碳生态城市研究;
- 多维视角下低碳生态城市指标体系构建——以东营市为例
- Indicator System of Low-Carbon Eco-City Construction from Multi-Dimensional Perspectives: A Case Study of Dongying City
- 浏览量:
- 朱洪祥 雷刚 吴先华 邵大伟
- ZHU Hong-xiang LEI Gang WU Xian-hua SHAO Da-wei
- 摘要:
低碳生态城市的相关研究是当今的一大热点,本文在回顾低碳生态城市指标体系研究进展、阐明其本质内涵的基础上,以东营为例,基于东营低碳生态城市指标体系功能定位,研究提出共性指标与特色指标相结合、核心指标与支撑指标相衔接、核心指标动态调整的指标体系多维构建策略,建立了符合东营实际的低碳生态城市指标体系,明确了指标体系实施的具体措施,以推动指标体系真正付诸实施,切实发挥指导低碳生态实践的调控功能。 - 关键词:
低碳生态城市;指标体系;多维度;东营市; - Abstract: The research on low-carbon eco-city is a hot issue. Based on reviewing the research progress of studies on low-carbon eco-city indicator system and explaining its essence and function orientation, multi-dimensional structuring strategy of indicator system is proposed. Its characteristics are common indictors integrating distinctive indictors, core indictors linking up sustaining indictors and dynamic adjusting of core indictors. Taking Dongying city as an example, the process of construction, selection procedures indictors, the establishment of the objective level and idea of dynamic adjustment are detailed. The indicator system may help to guide the construction of low-carbon eco-city, promote perfection of statistics institution and coordinate the economic development and environmental protection. In this way, the objective of low-carbon eco-city can realized.
- Key words: low-carbon eco-city; indicator system; multi-dimensional; Dongying city
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