- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)12-0028-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:李巍,讲师,西北师范大学城市规划与旅游景观设计研究院副院长;
- 城镇规划导向下城镇建设用地空间拓展研究
- Study on the Spatial Expansion of Town Construction Land under the Guidance of Towns Planning
- 浏览量:
- 李巍 李得发 王录仓 王生荣
- LI Wei LI De-fa WANG Lu-cang WANG Sheng-rong
- 摘要:
基于甘南州 10 个城镇总体规划的图文数据,借鉴前人的研究成果,对甘南州 10 个城镇的现状建设用地和规划建设用地的规模和空间形态进行了对比分析,总结了城镇总体规划中城镇规划者开拓城镇建设用地常用的 6 种模式,并对城镇建设用地的空间拓展进行了反思,提出了城镇建设用地的空间拓展必须考虑“内部增长”,而不是继续向外扩张的观点,以期为城镇规划工作和控制城镇建设用地规模提供参考依据。 - 关键词:
城镇规划;城镇建设用地;空间拓展模式;甘南州; - Abstract: Based on the predecessors’ achievements and graphic data of ten-town master planning, we analyzed both the current and planning construction land of ten towns in Gannan, concluded 6 spatial expansion patterns, from which planners seek construction land for towns’ development in the master planning, and we rethought profoundly on the spatial expansion of towns and came up with the idea that the spatial expansion of town construction land should consider internal growth instead of continuous expansion, and we are expecting that the study could provide some help to the town planning work and scale controlling of town construction land.
- Key words: town planning; town construction land; spatial expansion patterns; Gannan
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