- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)12-0053-07
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:张茜,女,南京大学城市规划与设计学系2010级硕士研究生,城市规划与设计专业;
- 基于情景分析的城市产业网络发展研究——以海南省文昌市为例
- Study on Urban Industrial Network based on Scenario Analysis:A Case Study of Wenchang City in Hainan
- 浏览量:
- 张茜 王红扬 索超
- ZHANG Qian WANG Hong-yang SUO Chao
- 摘要:
将斯坦福研究院的情景分析方法运用于文昌市城市产业网络发展的研究中,以一个综合的社会文化-经济-环境的视角来审视城市产业发展,最终描述了“通向旅游岛”、“看得到的进步”、“自然的恩赐”、“蜕变”四个不同情景下文昌市产业战略选择特点,为其城市产业网络的发展提供了一个长期有效、具有较强弹性及操作性的战略选择平台,是对城市产业网络发展战略形成方法的一次有意义的探索。 - 关键词:
城市产业网络;情景分析;不确定性;弹性规划; - Abstract: The thesis discusses the application of Stanford Research Institute's scenario analysis to the study on urban industrial network of Wenchang City, Hainan Province. With an integrated social-cultural-economic-environmental perspective, it eventually describes the characteristics of industrial strategy in four different scenarios : "leading to the tourist island", "tangible progress", a "natural gift" and "Metamorphosis", and constructs a strategic choice platform for industrial network evolution with longtime validity, strong fexibility and operability. Obviously it is a meaningful exploration to provide methods to the formation of development strategy for urban industrial network.
- Key words: urban industrial networks; scenario analysis; uncertainty; fexible planning
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