- 设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)02-0024-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:邹丹丹(1987-),女,江西吉安人,复旦大学社会学系硕士研究生,研究方向:城市社会学。
- 现代性怀旧和记忆的空间生产——以上海新天地为例
- Space Production of Modern Nostalgia and Memory -- With Xintiandi in Shanghai as an Example
- 浏览量:
- 邹丹丹
- ZOU Dan-dan
- 摘要:
都市文学掀起了一阵炽烈的怀旧热潮,作为旧城改造更新典范的新天地,系由在历史风貌遗产保护中发挥着的怀旧空间特质(想象和记忆)和现代性深重的迷恋而达成,本文的核心是在其具体而丰富的外表下隐藏着的抽象而厚重的感觉。现代性下的建筑(architecture)、身体(body)、记忆(memory)、意象(image)、自我(self)及其携带的意义体(meaning) 作为隐在的文化元素共同参与到旧城改造的事件中来,新天地是这些元素的集成体。 - 关键词:
新天地;现代性;怀旧;空间;记忆; - Abstract: Urban literatures set off a blazing burst of nostalgia. As the updated model of urban renewal, Xintiandi is reconstructed by the nostalgia (imagination and memory) of the spatial and modern fascination during historic heritage conservation. The core of this argument is that abstract and serious feelings are hidden under the concrete and colorful appearance. The modern architecture, body, memories, image, self and its meanings participate in the events as the common cultural elements implicit in the urban revitalization, and Xintiandi is the integration of these elements.
- Key words: Xintiandi; modernity; nostalgia; space; memory
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