- 防灾减灾
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)02-0088-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:李保华,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院博士研究生;
- 系统理论指导下的城市公共安全体系优化策略
- Improving the Strategy for the City Public Security System under the Guidance of the System Theory
- 浏览量:
- 李保华 曹坤梓 姜毅
- LI Bao-hua CAO Kun-zi JIANG Yi
- 摘要:
文章分析了城市公共安全问题存在的主要原因,包括:城市公共安全规划未能有效地纳入到城市规划的战略当中,造成城市公共安全发展先天不足;各单灾种规划各行其是,缺乏多灾种之间的系统性与协调性;各级政府被动地就事论事,处理城市公共安全事件缺乏系统性,各部门联动性不强。在分析这些原因的基础上,借鉴中医系统治疗的相关理论,提出了城市公共安全体系规划的系统理论,并以此为基础,提出了城市公共安全体系空间结构优化、城市公共安全体系支撑系统优化以及城市公共安全体系管理系统优化等优化策略。 - 关键词:
城市公共安全;系统理论;优化策略; - Abstract: This article analyzes three reasons for the city public security problem: city public security plan has not been included in the city planning strategy system which cause the city public security inborn weakness; the single plan of security lacks coordination other security plan; the government deals with the issue in an unsystematic way. Based upon Chinese medicine treatment systems, it summarizes the city public security planning system theory. Based on the system theory, some strategies have been put forward that include optimizing the overall layout of city, the space structure of the city and the public security management strategies. With these strategies, the city public security can be optimized.
- Key words: city public security; the system theory; optimization strategy
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