- 绿道规划与管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)03-0013-06
- 中图分类号:TU985 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:朱江,女,广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院,高级规划师,注册规划师,所副总工程师;
- 构建与法定规划体系相衔接的绿道规划体系
- Establishing a Greenway Planning System in Line with the Existing Statutory Planning System
- 浏览量:
- 朱江 尹向东 周健
- ZHU Jiang YIN Xiang-dong ZHOU Jian
- 摘要:
文章结合珠三角地区绿道规划建设的实践,通过理清各层级绿道规划与法定规划之间的关系和构建与法定规划体系相衔接的绿道规划体系,将绿道规划融入相应的法定规划体系中,使绿道建设变成城市日常建设的一部分,从而达到保障绿道规划建设长期推进的目的。 - 关键词:
绿道;规划体系;法定;衔接; - Abstract: Based on the greenway planning and the construction practice of the Pearl River Delta region, the article clarifies the relations between statutory plan and greenway planning at various levels, and establishes a greenway planning system in line with the existing statutory planning system. The article, therefore, integrates greenway planning to relevant areas of the statutory planning system, and makes greenway construction an integral part of the regular construction of a city, which guarantees the long-term progress of both the planning and construction of greenway.
- Key words: greenway; planning system; statutory; connection
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