- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)04-0072-05
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:温旭丽,东南大学成贤学院,讲师;
- 大城市市郊轨道交通运营组织模式研究
- Operation Organization Mode of Suburban Railway in Major Cities
- 浏览量:
- 温旭丽 葛荣佳 何小洲
- EN Xu-li GE Rong-jia HE Xiao-zhou
- 摘要:
基于城市化进程加快、城市交通问题日趋严峻的背景,发展市郊轨道交通是现今大城市缓解城市交通压力、发展卫星城镇、改善居民出行条件的重要举措。本文对市郊轨道交通运营组织模式的几个关键问题的研究,旨在对新兴的市郊轨道交通运营组织模式进行探讨。论文分析了车辆选型、车辆编组、列车交路、列车停靠方案,并结合具体的无锡地铁4 号线对此运营方案作了实例论证分析。 - 关键词:
市郊轨道交通运营组织;车辆选型;车辆编组;列车交路;列车停靠; - Abstract: With the acceleration of the urbanization, here comes a heavier and heavier traffic in large cities, the development of the Suburban Railway is an important measure to alleviate the problem of transportation, develop satellite towns, and improve traveling conditions of local residents. The goal of the thesis is point out the operation organization mode of new Suburban Railway by analyzing some key problems of the operation program of Suburban Railway. The thesis analyzes vehicle selection, train marshaling, routing and stop schedule. Then the thesis uses Wuxi Rail Transit Line No. 4 as an example to carry out a practical analysis of the operation organization of Suburban Railway in Major Cities.
- Key words: operation organization mode of suburban railway; vehicle selection; train marshaling;routing; stop schedule
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