- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)04-0037-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:成亮,西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院城市与资源学系助教。
- 基于演绎性主题定位的景区总体规划研究——以甘肃金川国家矿山公园龙首矿景区为例
- Planning Study based on Interpretation of the Overall Theme of Location Area:A Case Study of the Longshou Mine Area, Gansu
- 浏览量:
- 成亮
- CHENG Liang
- 摘要:
文章对景区总体规划中的演绎性主题定位进行分析,提出其核心内容,指出在景区中用一条规划明确的主线把次片区贯串起来,展示规划主题,使游客通过各种行为体验和心理感知,多层面、多角度地获得一种景区认知的体验,使复杂的主观感受能够有目标地引导和空间的秩序进行旅游体验。进而提出演绎性主题定位的规划应该形成游客对整个规划区域在心理引导、主题指示、行为引导、景观格调及视觉感知上的流线动态变化,并能从这几个方面进行系统研究,落实规划理念。文章以甘肃金川国家矿山公园龙首矿景区为例,进行了理论实践,分别总结出演绎性主题定位进行理论实践在规划对象上、规划理念上和规划方法上的主要特征。 - 关键词:
演绎性;主题定位;景区规划;金川国家矿山公园;龙首矿景区; - Abstract: The overall plan for the area in the interpretation of the theme of positioning system description makes it the core of the plan in a defined area using the main line that runs through the secondary area. Planning topics help visitors experience a variety of behaviors and psychological perception, multi-faceted, multi-angle area to obtain a cognitive experience, so that the complex subjective experience can have goals to guide the order and have space to carry out tourism experience. Then proposed interpretation of the theme of location planning should form a visitors guide, so the entire planning area in the psychological theme of instructions may guide behavior, landscape and visual style from the perception of dynamic flow line, and from the systematic study of these areas, and the implementation plan concept. The paper uses Jinchuan national mine park as an example to implement theoretical practice and summarize the main characteristics based upon how the deductive theme orientation carry out theoretical practice based upon planning targets, planning ideas and planning strategies.
- Key words: interpretation; thematic orientation; area planning; Jinchuan National Mine Park; Longshou mine area
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