- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)04-0043-04
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:刘松龄,硕士,广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院城市政府规划编制部主创规划师。
- 跨界规划的实施问题与保障机制构建——以广佛同城规划为例
- The Implementation of Cross-boundary Planning Issues and Protection Mechanisms to Build: The Example of Guangzhou- Foshan Integrated Development Plan
- 浏览量:
- 刘松龄
- LIU Song-ling
- 摘要:
在总结跨界规划实施的特点与问题基础上,结合广佛同城规划实施的探索,阐述了广佛同城规划实施保障的解决思路,指出跨界规划是一个长期协调的过程,要使其行之有效,单靠规划编制的手段是不足够的,必须在行政管理、技术、法制等各层面建立相应的保障机制,共同搭建跨界规划实施协调平台,充分协调、解决跨界规划实施给各城市带来的利益冲突,有此基础,跨界规划方可成为协调各方利益分配、统一发展思路、调动各方积极性的有力抓手。 - 关键词:
跨界规划;规划实施;保障机制;广佛同城规划; - Abstract: Based upon the summary of the characteristics of cross-boundary planning and implementation issues, and combination of implementation of exploration on Guangzhou-Foshan Integrated Development Plan, the paper describes the solution ideas of planning implementation. With protection mechanisms of planning, administration, technology, legal system to be built , cross-boundary planning will be useful to coordinate the distribution of benefits, unified development ideas, and mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties.
- Key words: cross-boundary planning;planning implement;protection mechanisms;Guangzhou-Foshan integrated development plan
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