- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)04-0077-05
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:欧开培,广州市社会科学院现代市场所所长,研究员,主要从事商贸流通和现代市场发展研究;
- 物流配送车辆对广州城市交通的影响及对策研究
- The Effect of Urban Logistics Distribution Vehicle on Guangzhou City Traffic and Countermeasures
- 浏览量:
- 欧开培 罗谷松 赖长强
- OU Kai-pei LUO Gu-song LAI Chang-qiang
- 摘要:
大中城市交通拥堵情况日趋严重,“城市交通拥堵”和“如何治堵”已成为当前的热门话题。广州作为国家中心城市之一,城市交通拥堵情况也不例外。事实上,广州市一直致力于解决交通拥堵问题,积极采取多项措施加以解决,近期更是研究制订《亚运后广州中心城区缓解交通拥堵方案》。但是,广州治理城市交通拥堵一直以来都忽视一个重要的方面——即如何科学缓解城市物流配送车辆对城市交通带来的压力。本文试图深入了解城市物流配送车辆对广州城市交通造成压力的程度、结构及特点,分析造成压力的原因和内在机理,判明合理与不合理的因素之所在,提出科学缓解城市物流配送车辆对城市交通压力的基本思路和主要对策措施。 - 关键词:
物流配送车辆;城市交通拥堵;现代城市物流配送模式; - Abstract: The big and media-sized cities traffic congestion is growing more and more terrible. "Urban traffic congestion" and "How to rule blocking" have become hot topics. Guangzhou is one of national center cities, and its urban traffic congestion is no exception. In fact, Guangzhou has been working to solve traffic congestion problems, and has actively adopted various measures to solve them. It has recently developed "The plan to ease Guangzhou downtown traffic congestion after the Asian Games." However, we have ignored an important aspect of the solution to solve urban traffic congestion in Guangzhou——how to ease city logistics vehicles traffic pressure on the city. This article attempts to inquire Guangzhou urban logistics distribution vehicle traffic pressure level, structure and characteristics deeply, and analyze the causes of internal mechanism, identify the rational and irrational factors and propose basic ideas and major measure to ease the urban Logistics Distribution Vehicle pressure on urban transportation.
- Key words: logistics distribution vehicle; urban traffic congestion; modern urban logistics distribution patterns
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