- 城乡统筹
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)04-0021-09
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:段德罡(1970-),男,景颇族,籍贯云南,博士,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院副院长,城市规划基础教研室主任,副教授,研究方向为区域规划与城市设计;
- 城乡统筹中城乡资源评价方法初探——以甘肃永靖县为例
- The Urban-Rural Resource Appraisal in Urban-Rural Integration —— A Case Study of County Yongjing in Gansu Province
- 浏览量:
- 段德罡 申研 刘波
- DUAN De-gang SHEN Yan LIU Bo
- 摘要:
城乡资源分析是进行城乡统筹、梳理城乡关系、制定城乡发展战略的基础。在传统城乡统筹中仅对城乡资源进行定性地表达与描述,未能将资源的价值与城乡发展建立有效的联系,难以从定量的角度为城乡统筹战略的制定提供科学的依据。因此本文将资源科学中的资源评价方法引入城乡统筹中进行资源分析,总结出更利于发现城乡问题、制定城乡发展策略的城乡资源评价体系,并将其应用于甘肃省永靖县的城乡统筹之中,为下一步制定城乡发展战略、组织城乡空间体系等提供充分的论证依据。 - 关键词:
城乡统筹;城乡资源;资源评价; - Abstract: The analysis of regional resources is the foundation of raising the urban-rural coordinating capability. Qualitative description is the only way of urban-rural resource evaluation. As a result, it cannot provide intuitive basis for instituting a reasonable strategy of urban-rural development from a quantitative perspective. This paper started from the traditional resource evaluation, so as to advance a system which is more suited to the urban-rural development. It then resorted to the basic analysis of urban-rural coordinating for the northwest quasi dry river valley zone, thereby providing a powerful demonstration for setting down the strategy of urban-rural development and organizing the urban-rural space.
- Key words: urban-rural integration; urban-rural resource; resource appraisal
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