- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)04-0053-04
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家社会科学教育基金项目《中国与美国关于景观设计教育的分析研究》子课题(编号BJA090071);南京工业大学青年教师学术基金(编号39712005);
- 作者简介:李炳南,南京工业大学建筑学院。
- 湿地在城市生态化进程中的景观价值诉求
- The Appeal of the Landscape Value by Wetlands in Urban Ecological Processes
- 浏览量:
- 李炳南
- LI Bin-nan
- 摘要:
生态城市的重要目标之一是实现环境的生态化。城市化进程的加剧改变人们生活方式的同时也导致人类生存环境的恶化,大量城市和近郊的自然生态湿地资源被侵占,建立生态城市的任务显得更为迫切和艰巨。在城市生态化的进程中,由于湿地的巨大生态功能和景观功能,其价值更为突出。围绕湿地进行的保护、恢复、开发、建设的活动日趋频繁。湿地在城市生态化进程中有着独特的景观价值诉求。 - 关键词:
城市生态化;湿地;景观价值; - Abstract: The important goal of Eco-city is to achieve the ecological environment. Increased urbanization changes the way people live and also leads to the deterioration of the human environment: a large portion of urban and suburban ecology of wetlands resources has been occupied. The establishment of Eco-city is even more urgent and difficult task. In the process of urban ecology, because of the great ecological functions of wetlands and landscape features, and its value is more prominent. Around the wetlands protection, restoration, development and construction activities have become more frequent. Wetlands in the process of urban ecology have their own unique landscape value proposition.
- Key words: urban ecological processes; wetlands; landscape value
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