- 保障房管理及可持续发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)05-0032-05
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:2010年度国家社会科学基金项目《大学毕业生低收入群体保障性住房建设研究》(10BJY042);南京市保障房建设发展有限公司项目《南京市保障房物业管理模式研究》。
- 作者简介:李俊杰(1987—),男,东南大学建设与房地产系博士研究生;
- 保障性住房物业管理模式研究——以南京市为例
- Research on the Property Management Model of Government Subsidized Housing:A Case Study of Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 李俊杰 张建坤 刘娟
- LI Jun-jie ZHANG Jian-kun LIU Juan
- 摘要:
当前,我国正在进行大规模的保障性住房建设,如何作好保障房的物业管理,是一个既迫切又严峻的问题。本文通过对保障房物业管理与一般商品房物业管理进行比较分析,梳理保障房物业管理存在的问题,在此基础上探讨我国当前形势下可行的保障房物业管理模式,并对各种模式的优劣势进行了分析,并认为,“准市场化模式”是一种更为有效的保障房物管模式。 - 关键词:
保障性住房;物业管理;模式;准市场化; - Abstract: China is building government subsidized housing increasingly. How to manage the low-income housing is a very serious problem when they are completed. The paper analyzes the difference of property management between the low-income housing property management and commercial residential building, points out the problems of low-income housing property management, discusses the different model of low-income housing property management, and explores the advantages and disadvantages of the various models. The paper points out that the quasi-market model is a more effective management model of lowincome housing.
- Key words: low-income housing; property management; model; quasi-market
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