- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)05-0039-06
- 中图分类号:TU984;F293 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:郑文含(1980-),女,硕士,江苏省城市规划设计研究院,城市规划师;
- 控制性详细规划经济分析的一般框架探讨
- General Frameworks of Economic Analysis in Regulatory Detailed Planning
- 浏览量:
- 郑文含 唐历敏
- ZHENG Wen-han TANG Li-min
- 摘要:
本文分析了当前控制性详细规划经济分析存在的问题,认为经济分析应贯穿于控规编制整个过程,是全过程动态校核;除微观经济模型分析外,应加强宏观经济要素分析,并将社会效益、环境效益等经济外部性纳入综合考虑。按照编制前期、编制过程中和编制后等不同阶段,提出控规经济分析的一般框架。探讨在不同规划阶段经济分析的内容与方法。编制前期加强人口容量及就业岗位预测,进行土地经济分析,明确产权地籍;编制过程中基于分类要素的经济影响分析,按照弹性系数方法确定容积率,进行地块划分;编制后按照地块最低经济容积率和城市开发收益测算进行方案校核。 - 关键词:
控制性详细规划;经济分析;容积率; - Abstract: This paper analyzes the problems about economic analysis in regulatory detailed planning. It holds that economic analysis should run through the whole process of planning and strengthen factor analysis of macroeconomics on overall consideration of social and environmental benefits. It proposes general frameworks of economic analysis according to different stages of regulatory detailed planning. It also puts forward different content and method about each stage. Earlier stage study includes population capacity and employment opportunities prediction, land economic analysis and property cadaster investigation. In middle stage FAR can be defined by using elastic coefficient method and lands are subdivided based on different economic factor analysis. After the plan decision main index can be checked by land lowest economic FAR and urban development income estimation.
- Key words: regulatory detailed planning; economic analysis; FAR
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