- 保障房管理及可持续发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)05-0020-07
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金项目“大学毕业生低收入群体保障性住房建设研究”(10BJY042)。
- 作者简介:王效容(1987-),东南大学建设与房地产系博士生;
- 基于共有产权的公共租赁住房融资建设研究
- Study on the Public Housing Financing based on Joint Property
- 浏览量:
- 王效容 张建坤 刘科伟
- WANG Xiao-rong ZHANG Jian-kun LIU Ke-wei
- 摘要:
保障性住房建设面临着资金缺乏和不可持续两大主要难题。公共租赁住房引进民间资本、创新融资模式势在必行。本文通过借鉴发达国家和地区的公共租赁住房融资建设经验,在PPP 模式的基础上,以中低收入、未婚群体为保障对象,构建了共有产权形式下的公共租赁住房融资建设模式,并以南京岱山某公共租赁住房项目为例进行了收益测算,测算结果表明此运作模式达到了“三方(民间资本、政府、入住者)满意”的结果,在经济上是可行的。该运作模式具有自身造血功能,可以实现良性可持续运营。本文的公共租赁住房融资建设研究为完善我国公共租赁住房融资体系,更好地推动全国公共租赁住房的建设提供一些启发和建议。 - 关键词:
公共租赁住房;融资;共有产权;PPP; - Abstract: Construction of social housing is facing two major problems: lack of funds and unsustainability. The introduction of private capital and innovative financing models for public housing are imperative. The experience in financing of public housing from developed countries and regions is learned. Based on PPP model, this paper builds a financing mode for public housing to solve the housing difficulties of low-and middle-income groups in China. The project of public housing in Nanjing is calculated. The result shows that the project can achieve sustainable operations under above-mentioned financing mode. This paper provides the inspiration and recommendations for improving public rental housing finance system and promoting the construction of public housing.
- Key words: public housing; financing; joint property; PPP
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