- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)06-0089-06
- 中图分类号:F026.9 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:云南省政府研究室课题项目支持。
- 作者简介:崔荣星(1987-),女,汉族,昆明理工大学管理与经济学院国民经济学硕士研究生,研究方向为产业经济;
- 昆明市外向型特色优势产业发展研究
- The Research of Extroversion Characteristic Advantage Industry Development in Kunming
- 浏览量:
- 崔荣星 李延芬
- CUI Rong-xing LI Yan-fen
- 摘要:
外向型经济已成为广大发展中国家或地区的一种经济发展战略,外向型经济理论研究取得了较为丰硕的成果。对经济全球化趋势日益加深、中国加入世贸组织、中国- 东盟自由贸易区建立的背景下,昆明市发展外向型特色优势产业的现状进行深入研究,认为昆明市需要建立九大外向型特色优势产业基地,发挥比较优势,调整产业结构,实现跨越式发展。 - 关键词:
外向型经济;外向型特色优势产业;产业基地;产业结构; - Abstract: Extroversion economy has become a strategy of economic development in a great number of developing countries or regions. The extroversion economy theory research has made it more fruitful. In the context of Economic globalization, China's entry into WTO, China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone, this paper researches the present situation of the development extroversion characteristic advantage industry in Kunming. Kunming should establish nine extroversion characteristic advantage industry base, play compares advantage, adjust industrial structure, and implement spans type development.
- Key words: extroversion economy; extroversion characteristic advantage industry; industry base; industrial structure
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