- 城市发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)06-0101-04
- 中图分类号:TP393;TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:金江军(1978-),男,浙江义乌人,工业和信息化部中国电子信息产业发展研究院副研究员,博士,主要从事信息化研究;
- 智慧城市刍议
- Preliminary Discussion about Smart City
- 浏览量:
- 金江军 潘懋 承继成
- JIN Jiang-jun PAN Mao CHENG Ji-cheng
- 摘要:
城市信息化经历了数字城市、信息城市阶段,目前正迈向智慧城市。本文首先论述了数字城市、信息城市到智慧城市的演变过程,指出了智慧城市是城市信息化的高级阶段。然后阐述了什么是智慧城市,介绍了智慧城市的相关概念,如智能建筑、智能交通系统、韩国U-City;分析了智慧城市的特征,如感知、自动反应、主动服务、辅助决策等。最后从基础设施、应用创新、产业发展三个方面提出了智慧城市的发展对策,即建设智慧的城市基础设施,开展“智慧城市”创新应用,发展“智慧城市”相关产业。 - 关键词:
数字城市;信息城市;智慧地球;智慧城市;电子政务;两化深度融合;社会信息化; - Abstract: City informationalization has passed through digital city stage and informational city stage, and now moves towards smart city. In this paper, the evolution from digital city to informational city and to smart city was discussed. Smart city was the high level of city informationalization. Then, what was smart city was discussed, the related conceptions of smart city were introduced, such as Intelligent Building, Intelligent Transportation Systems and U-city in South Korea, the characteristics of smart city were analyzed, such as perceiving, response automatically, service actively, decision support and so on. At last, the development strategies about how to build smart city were presented from three aspects, infrastructure construction, application innovation and industrial development, just like building smart infrastructure, innovative applications of smart city, developing related industry of smart city.
- Key words: digital city; informational city; smart planet; smart city; e-government; the deep fusion of informationalization and industrialization; social informationalization
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