- 主体功能区规划实施推进研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)06-0012-06
- 中图分类号:F120 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:教育部人文社会科学研究《马克思物质变换理论及其在协同推进我国工业化和生态文明建设中的应用》(课题负责人:杜黎明,编号:10YJC710012)和四川大学新世纪高等教育教学改革工程(五期)(课题负责人:杜黎明)部分研究成果。
- 作者简介:杜黎明(1973-),男,四川省达县人,四川大学政治学院副教授,经济学博士,主要研究方向:区域经济、马克思主义基本原理。
- 限制开发区经济发展权补偿研究
- A Study on the Way of Compensating the Loss of the Right to Develop Economy of the Region Restricts to Be Exploited
- 浏览量:
- 杜黎明
- U Li-ming
- 摘要:
推进形成主体功能区,要求限制开发区放弃大规模的工业化和城镇化开发,这在一定程度上损失了限制开发区的经济发展权。市场机制作用下,在城市化地区以其工业品和服务品交换限制开发区的农产品和生态产品的过程中,限制开发区的经济利益诉求难以得到充分的满足。城市化地区通过制度创新、产业关联、空间关联、政策关联、项目合作、企业合作、园区共建、资金及资本输出等方式,带动限制开发区经济发展,既是妥善处理区域主体功能和辅助功能的要求,也是弥补限制开发区经济发展权损失,使不同区域共享我国城镇化和工业化成果、促进区域协调发展的内在要求。 - 关键词:
经济发展权;主体功能区;城市化地区;限制开发区; - Abstract: In order to construct Spatial Structure from the Perspectives of principal function region, economic development right of regions that have been restricted for further development must be sacrificed. Under the market economy condition, it is difficult for the region to benefit from the economy as the region will be transformed into urban district. Therefore, it is necessary to help the region restricted to develop economy by means of System innovation, Industry connection, Spatial connection, Policy connection and the business enterprise cooperation etc. Only when every region could share the benefit brought by the national economy development, can the regional developed structure gain enough dynamism to further develop.
- Key words: the right to develop economy; principal function region; region that will be transformed into urban district soon; region that restricts to be exploited
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