- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)06-0059-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:周宁,东南大学建筑设计研究院副总建筑师,国家一级注册建筑师,高级工程师。
- 南京城南评事街历史城区历史建筑的保护与复兴实践——以南捕厅历史文化街区保留建筑为例
- Historical Architectures Protection and Rehabilitation of Pingshijie Historic District in South of Nanjing——A Case Study of Preserved Architectures in Nanbuting Historic District
- 浏览量:
- 周 宁
- ZHOU Ning
- 摘要:
保护与复兴是历史城区城市设计的首要前提,而城市环境是历史积淀的结果,应具有鲜明的历史延续性。多进穿堂式的平面布局形成的小空间格局、传统的街巷脉络是南京古城城市空间的精髓所在,是古城风貌重要的组成部分,其良好的尺度关系、清晰的街巷肌理和空间围合,在对于传统建筑的保护和复兴中需要着力传承。对于传统的建筑的保护,南京城南历史建筑的保护与复兴实践有许多成功的尝试。 - 关键词:
历史街区;保护与复兴;城市设计; - Abstract: Protection and rehabilitation are the most important prerequisite of the urban design of the historic center and the urban environment is the result of the historical accumulation, which should have a distinct historical continuity. Hallway-style layout pattern of traditional streets context is the essence of Nanjing, and an important part of the ancient city of urban space. The texture and space enclosed need to focus on the protection and rehabilitation of traditional architecture heritage. There are many successful attempts regarding the protection of traditional architectures in South Nanjing.
- Key words: historic district; protection and rehabilitation; urban design
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