- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)07-0088-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(40971094):信息时代中国城市就业与居住空间变化研究;教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NECT-09-0470):宜居城市空间结构研究。
- 作者简介:周珂慧(1987—),女(汉),江苏苏州人,江苏省城市规划设计研究院苏州分院规划师,研究方向为城市与区域规划。
- 创意产业园区集聚效率比较研究——以南京“晨光1865”园区为例
- Comparative Study for Creative Industry Park’Cluster Efficiency ——A Case Study of “ChenGuang 1865”,Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 周珂慧 甄峰 姜劲松
- ZHOU Ke-hui ZHEN Feng JIANG Jing-song
- 摘要:
创意产业园区的开发是城市再生的一种新型模式。创意产业园区作为衰退的内城地区城市再生的一种有效途径获得了国内外相关学者的热切关注。纵观国内外研究,目前经济学界与城市规划界对创意产业集群效率均未形成系统研究。本文试图从城市经济学的角度探索理论研究方法,对创意产业园区集聚效率进行概念界定、效率评价流程和指标体系建立、测评方法选取和模型修正。本文选取南京“晨光1865”园区为参照,取样国内其他典型园区进行横向比较研究。尝试通过基于创意产业集聚效率的实证测评,探析物质空间表象背后的园区运营机制及经济要素条件。最后得出结论和优化建议,提供今后园区的规划筹建和高效运作的思路。 - 关键词:
创意产业园区;集群效率;比较研究;南京; - Abstract: The development of creative industry park is the urban regeneration of a new development model. It is the latest recession in the inner city areas as an urban regeneration for its effectiveness.So both domestic and foreign scholars have been keen on relevant academic research. Throughout the domestic and international researches, economists and urban planners on the efficiency of the creative industries do not form a cluster system. This paper attempts to explore theoretical approaches from the perspective of urban economics, define the concept of the creative industry park gathering efficiency, and efficiency of the evaluation process and the System of Indicators for Evaluation Methods and model updating. Then by selecting the "Morning 1865" Park of Nanjing as a reference sample, the paper also chooses other typical parks for Comparative Studies, Finally it provides some suggestions, and provide ideas for future planning and efficient operation.
- Key words: creative industry park; cluster efficiency; comparative study; Nanjing
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