- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)08-0082-05
- 中图分类号:U12 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:苏州市社会科学基金项目“苏州城市公共停车产业培育和发展研究”(编号:SR09B16)阶段性成果。
- 作者简介:杨传明,男,苏州科技大学经济与管理学院,讲师,博士,研究方向:管理学;
- 城市住宅小区停车问题及解决对策研究——以苏州市为例
- The Research on the Problems and Solutions of Urban Residential Parking: A Case Study of Suzhou
- 浏览量:
- 杨传明 陈婧 崔亮
- YANG Chuan-ming CHEN Jing CUI Liang
- 摘要:
随着我国城市汽车保有量的快速增长,住宅小区停车服务相对滞后,停车问题日益突出。在对苏州市住宅小区停车的实际调研及理论研究基础上,分析城市住宅小区停车存在的问题,如停车位供需矛盾、管理及规划不足、设施建设标准偏低、所有权归属多样、物业管理欠缺等问题。借鉴国内外典型地区城市住宅小区停车的做法,提出合理控制居民民用汽车保有率、科学规划、市场化刺激、拓展停车方式、加强物业管理等措施,以助苏州乃至全国城市住宅小区提升停车管理水平、解决停车问题。 - 关键词:
住宅小区;停车问题;解决对策; - Abstract: With the rapid growth of the number of cars in our cities, the service of residential parking is relatively falling behind, and parking problems have become increasingly prominent. Based on the actual research and theory of residential parking in Suzhou, this paper analyzed a lot of problems about the car parking of urban residential district, such as the contradiction of supply and demand, insufficient management and planning, the low construction standards of the facilities, the variety of ownership attributions, lack of property management and so on. Learning from the approaches to the car parking in urban residential district of international and our country, we put forward some suggestions as follows: take reasonable control of the rapid growth of the number of cars, plan scientifically, stimulate market, expand ways of parking, strengthen the property management and others. And we hope these measures could improve the management of parking and solve problems in parking of Suzhou and other cities.
- Key words: residential district; parking problems; solutions
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